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17 mars 20212 min de lecture
"Naga-Vagga" : L’éléphant
"Garde-toi des pensées vagabondes ! /
Elève-toi au-dessus de ce marécage de souffrance / Comme l’éléphant s’extrait de la boue."
17 mars 20215 min de lecture
Le Dhammapada : La voie du Bouddha
"Grâce à sa modération et sa maîtrise de lui-même / Le sage crée une île /
Qu’aucun raz-de-marée ne saurait submerger."
13 mars 20217 min de lecture
"Gift from the Sea", by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
"Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach, waiting for a gift from the sea."
9 mars 20215 min de lecture
"The Morning", by H.D. Thoreau
"It matters not what the clocks say or the attitudes and labors of men. Morning is when I am awake and there is a dawn in me."
7 mars 20216 min de lecture
Georges Perec : A Man Asleep
"The fleeting and poignant desire to hear no more, to see no more, to remain silent and motionless. Crazy dreams of solitude."
1 mars 20216 min de lecture
Anton Chekhov : Letters on Art and Artists
"My holy of holies is the human body, health, intelligence, talent, inspiration, love, and the most absolute freedom."
1 mars 20216 min de lecture
Montaigne : Of Solitude
"The greatest thing in the world is for a man to know that he is his own."
18 févr. 20216 min de lecture
Rainer Maria Rilke: A letter on Paul Cézanne
"Evenings on the way home he gets angry at some change, arrives in a rage and promises himself: I will stay at home; work, nothing but work"
16 févr. 20214 min de lecture
"An Enigmatic Nature", by Anton Chekhov
"Your sensitive, responsive soul is seeking to escape from the maze of... Yes, the struggle is terrific, titanic. But do not lose heart !"
15 févr. 202110 min de lecture
Oscar Wilde: The Critic as Artist
"Let me say to you now that to do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual."
13 févr. 20213 min de lecture
H. D. Thoreau : The Rich Life
"Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old."
12 févr. 20215 min de lecture
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Nobel Lecture
"One day Dostoevsky threw out the enigmatic remark: “Beauty will save the world”. What sort of a statement is that ?"
10 févr. 20213 min de lecture
Charles Baudelaire: Les Foules / Crowds
"Multitude, solitude: identical terms, and interchangeable by the active and fertile poet."
9 févr. 20216 min de lecture
May Sarton : "Journal of a Solitude" (extracts)
[Extracts] "The value of solitude — one of its values — is, of course, that there is nothing to cushion against attacks from within..."
9 févr. 20213 min de lecture
"Winter Journey in the Harz": A Poem by Goethe
"It is my turn thank you for the "Harz Journey in Winter". Not the Brahms version .. but for the Goethe poem, which is pure splendor." Rilke
4 févr. 20215 min de lecture
Epictetus : The Manual (extracts)
[Quotes] "People are disturbed not by the things which happen, but by the opinions about the things."
25 janv. 20211 min de lecture
"Solitude", by Lewis Carroll
"I love the stillness of the wood / I love the music of the rill / I love to couch in pensive mood / Upon some silent hill."
25 janv. 20213 min de lecture
"The Three Metamorphoses", by Friedrich Nietzsche
"Of three metamorphoses of the spirit do I tell you: how the spirit becomes a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child."
24 janv. 20211 min de lecture
"The Porcupine Dilemma", by Arthur Schopenhauer
"One cold winter's day, a number of porcupines huddled together quite closely in order to prevent themselves from being frozen..."
22 janv. 202110 min de lecture
Flaubert and George Sand : Letters from solitude
"And you dear friend, what are you doing at this hour ? Grubbing also, alone also... ?"
19 janv. 20214 min de lecture
Oscar Wilde : Aphorims on Life, Art and Beauty
"The essence of thought, as the essence of life, is growth."
18 janv. 20213 min de lecture
"Hymns to the Night", by Novalis
"Aside I turn to the holy, unspeakable, mysterious Night. Afar lies the world, sunk in a deep grave; waste and lonely is its place."
18 janv. 20213 min de lecture
"The Dialogue Between an Almanac Seller and a Passer-By", by Leopardi
"Passer-by. — Almanacs for the New Year ? / Alm. Seller. — Yes, Sir. / Passer-by. — Do you think this New Year will be a happy one ?"
15 janv. 20214 min de lecture
Life of Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 500 BCE)
"At last, becoming a complete misanthrope, he used to live spending his time in walking about the mountains; feeding on grasses and plants."
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