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13 déc. 20248 min de lecture
René Guénon : La Terre du Soleil
"Parmi les localités qui jouent un rôle dans la légende du Saint Graal, certains attachent une importance toute spéciale à Glastonbury."
21 août 20245 min de lecture
The Myth of the "Night Sea Journey" (Jolande Jacobi)
"Jung has on various occasions referred to the myth of the "night sea journey" cited by Frobenius, which he named the "whale dragon myth"."
19 août 20245 min de lecture
"Archetype of soul", by Walter Odajnyk
Botticelli - The birth of Venus, detail (1485) Extracts from : Walter Odajnyk Archetype and Character Power, Eros, Spirit, and Matter...
18 août 20245 min de lecture
Archetype and Character : Eros
"Although in the popular imagination Eros is seen in personal and human terms as love, it is primarily an abstract and cosmic principle."
8 août 20245 min de lecture
"The Three Temptations", by Joseph Campbell
"The writer Thomas Berry says that it's all a question of story. The story is the plot we assign to life and the universe..."
4 févr. 20246 min de lecture
Jolande Jacobi : The Individuation Process
"The individuation process, as a universal law of life, exhibits an archetypal pattern which remains more or less constant and regular."
2 janv. 20248 min de lecture
Kafka et Pessoa : L'Œuvre au noir (#3)
"L’espace de la création du mélancolique correspond, selon Agamben, au « nigredo » de l’alchimie, lieu de passage, de transformation..."
27 déc. 20236 min de lecture
Plato's Chariot Allegory (Phaedrus)
"Of the nature of the soul, though her true form be ever a theme of more than mortal discourse, let me speak briefly, and in a figure."
10 août 20234 min de lecture
Plutarch : On Osiris
"For the king and lord Osiris, they represent by an eye and a sceptre, and some even interpret the name as "Many-eyed"."
6 août 20233 min de lecture
Cinderella's Name
"The syllables Ella occurring in Cinderella, are the Greek Ele, which means shiner or giver of light."
4 août 202312 min de lecture
Cinderella's Garment
"Her supernatural and mystical dresses seem to symbolise the awakening, growth, and final apotheosis of Wisdom within the mind."
29 juil. 20235 min de lecture
"Rainbow Myths", by Carl B. Boyer
"The inaccessibility of the ends of the rainbow has encouraged the growth of countless legends."
19 juil. 20236 min de lecture
Mircea Eliade : Rites of Initiation
"Initiatory death signifies the end at once of childhood, of ignorance, and of the profane condition."
18 juil. 20235 min de lecture
Symbolisme de l'Egypte ancienne, par Volney
"Les Égyptiens, dit Hor-Apollo, désignent l'éternité par les figures du soleil et de la lune."
15 sept. 20224 min de lecture
The Value of the Study of Dante (by Elizabeth Harrison)
“Behold then in this little play
A world-wide truth set free !
Easily may a symbol teach
What thy reason cannot reach.”
15 févr. 20227 min de lecture
Alchemy and Introversion
"Introversion accordingly presents two possibilities, either to gain what the mystic work seeks, or to lose oneself."
29 juil. 20219 min de lecture
"Persée vainqueur de Méduse", par Paul Diel
"C’est des mains de la fille de Zeus, Pallas Athéné, que Persée reçoit le bouclier symbolique, le miroir de vérité."
20 juil. 20217 min de lecture
Mircea Eliade : "Sleep and Death"
"In Greek mythology, Sleep and Death, Hypnos and Thanatos, are twin brothers."
12 juin 20218 min de lecture
"Icare ou la folie des grandeurs", par Paul Diel
"Se fiant vaniteusement à ses ailes qui ne sont qu’artifice, .. l’intellect ne connaît plus de mesure, il se propose d’atteindre le soleil."
8 juin 20217 min de lecture
The Poet and The Magic of Orpheus
"The achievement of this Orphic poetry is to create the peace, trust, and sensitivity in which man can listen to this music of nature..."
30 mars 20215 min de lecture
Giordano Bruno : The Virtues of the Zodiac
"May the Dragon of Envy be far from us, and the Swan of Imprudence, the Cassiopeia of Vanity, the Andromeda of Laziness..."
19 mars 20217 min de lecture
The Cat in Mythology, by Marie-Louise von Franz
"The white cat was a healer and a nurse. She destroyed poison, counteracted irritation and strengthened people's powers of recuperation."
13 mars 20211 min de lecture
Botticelli et Ficin : Les Mystères du Tarot de Marseille
Extraits de : Les Mystères du Tarot de Marseille ; Documentaire de Philippe Truffault et Christophe Poncet (Arte, 2015)
13 mars 20215 min de lecture
Marie Louise Von Franz : Alchemy and Individuation
"The same processes the alchemists employed in contemplation of the transmutation of metals can be used to bring union to the self."
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