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First World War, Poems from the Front ; une anthologie poétique établie par Paul O’Prey
"And this we know : Death is not Life effete."
Irène de Palacio
18 févr. 202413 min de lecture

Horace : Hoc Erat In Votis
"This used to be my wish: a bit of land,
A house and garden with a spring at hand, And just a little wood."
7 juin 20234 min de lecture

"Ode to Tranquillity", by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Tranquillity ! thou better name
Than all the family of Fame !"
13 févr. 20231 min de lecture

"To those born later", by Bertolt Brecht
"In the old books it says what wisdom is: / To shun the strife of the world and to live out / Your brief time without fear."
6 nov. 20222 min de lecture

Pablo Neruda : Ode to Arthur Rimbaud
"Now, this October you will turn a hundred, harrowing friend. May I speak to you ? I’m alone..."
20 oct. 20212 min de lecture

"Winter Journey in the Harz": A Poem by Goethe
"It is my turn thank you for the "Harz Journey in Winter". Not the Brahms version .. but for the Goethe poem, which is pure splendor." Rilke
9 févr. 20213 min de lecture

"Hymns to the Night", by Novalis
"Aside I turn to the holy, unspeakable, mysterious Night. Afar lies the world, sunk in a deep grave; waste and lonely is its place."
18 janv. 20213 min de lecture

"To Imagination", by Emily Brontë
"When weary with the long day's care
And earthly change from pain to pain
And lost, and ready to despair
Thy kind voice calls me back again"
30 déc. 20201 min de lecture

Rainer Maria Rilke : Dwelling in Poetry
"Just as the artist needs a space in which to work, the artist also opens a space with the work of art."
12 nov. 20205 min de lecture

Arthur Rimbaud : The Mystic Way
[Essay] "The aim of this essay is to make the mystical, or contemplative elements of Rimbaud's life and poetry clear."
10 nov. 20205 min de lecture
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