To Have or to Be ? : Reactions to a flower
"For Goethe the flower is so much alive that it speaks and warns him; and he solves the problem differently from either Tennyson or Basho."
To Have or to Be ? : Reactions to a flower
Shakespeare's The Tempest : A Jungian Interpretation
Erich Fromm : Escape from Freedom
The Goddess as Cat
Dürer's Melencolia : The "Gateway to Heaven"
The "Dinner Parties" of Immanuel Kant
The Solitude of Descartes
The Solitude of Leopardi
"On My Painting", by Max Beckmann
The World of Chekhov's Plays
Carl Jung et le Processus d'Individuation
Giacomo Leopardi: Panegyric of Birds
Giacomo Leopardi : Happiness and the Modern Man
Thomas Carlyle : On the Choice of Books
The Pessoa Syndrome
Pessoa in Durban : The Making of a Poet
A Vision or a Waking Dream : Insomniac Literature
Hermann Hesse's Gertrud : Overcoming Despair
Karl Jaspers : The "Psychopathology" of Genius
Auguste Rodin on Art and Literature
Dostoevsky : Freedom in a Dead House
Carl Jung's Persona : Behind the Mask
Arthur Rimbaud : The Mystic Way
Francis Bacon and Montaigne : A Comparison