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30 mars 20224 min de lecture
Carl Jung : The Morality of Society
"It is a notorious fact that the morality of society as a whole is in inverse ratio to its size."
6 mars 20224 min de lecture
"The harm that good men do", by Bertrand Russell
"A good man is one whose opinions and activities are pleasing to the holders of power."
23 févr. 20226 min de lecture
"Paul Verlaine", by Stefan Zweig
"The works of great artists are silent books of eternal truths."
15 févr. 20227 min de lecture
Alchemy and Introversion
"Introversion accordingly presents two possibilities, either to gain what the mystic work seeks, or to lose oneself."
31 janv. 20224 min de lecture
Abraham Maslow : The Fear of Knowing
"Freud’s greatest discovery is that the great cause of much psychological illness is the fear of knowledge of oneself."
29 janv. 20225 min de lecture
"Alienation as a Disease of Modern Man", by Erich Fromm
"In the nineteenth century, one could say : “God is dead.” In the twentieth, one must say that man is dead."
22 janv. 20224 min de lecture
"A Nice Cup of Tea", by George Orwell
"Here are my own eleven rules, every one of which I regard as golden."
27 déc. 20213 min de lecture
"New-Fashioned Christmas", by Aldous Huxley
"The name is still the same; but the thing is almost unrecognizably different from what Charles Dickens meant by ‘Christmas'."
21 nov. 20215 min de lecture
David Hume : Delicacy Of Taste And Delicacy Of Passion
"One that has well digested his knowledge both of books and men, has little enjoyment but in the company of a few select companions."
20 nov. 20219 min de lecture
Aldous Huxley : Religion and Temperament
"To the three physical components Sheldon gives the names of endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy."
1 nov. 20219 min de lecture
Cosmopolitan View of Nietzsche (by Ananda Coomaraswamy)
"The “Will to Power” has nothing to do with tyranny — it is opposed alike to the tyranny of the autocrat and the tyranny of the majority."
1 nov. 20214 min de lecture
Flaubert, A "Literary Monk" (by Emile Faguet)
"His pride, his timidity and sensitiveness made of Flaubert a shy, lonely, grumpy misanthrope."
9 oct. 20215 min de lecture
Individuation : Jung's Myth for Our Time (by James Hollis)
"The experience of the Middle Passage is not unlike awakening to find that one is alone on a pitching ship, with no port in sight. "
16 sept. 20213 min de lecture
Aldous Huxley : "Time and the Machine"
"The time of which we have knowledge is artificial, machine-made time."
12 sept. 20216 min de lecture
Rollo May : Meditation and the Holy Void
"Most of us are so preoccupied with the noise, .. the cacophony of the modern world that we have no energy left for constructive living."
26 août 20215 min de lecture
Rollo May : The Humanity of the Rebel
"The rebel function is necessary as the life-blood of culture, as the very roots of civilization."
24 août 20216 min de lecture
R. D. Laing : "Ontological insecurity"
"The individual in the ordinary circumstances of living may feel more unreal than real."
6 août 20214 min de lecture
Neil Postman : The Huxleyan Warning
"In the Huxleyan prophecy, Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours."
3 août 20219 min de lecture
C.S. Lewis : "The Abolition of Man"
"The man-moulders of the new age will be armed with the powers of an omnicompetent state and an irresistible scientific technique."
1 août 20216 min de lecture
"What is television ?", by Neil Postman
"What is television ? What kinds of conversations does it permit ? What are the intellectual tendencies it encourages ?"
29 juil. 202117 min de lecture
Neil Postman : Informing Ourselves to Death
"We are glutted with information, drowning in information, have no control over it, don't know what to do with it."
22 juil. 20216 min de lecture
Christopher Lasch : "Consommation et culture de masse"
"L’idée selon laquelle « vous pouvez être ce que vous voulez » .. signifie désormais que l’on peut changer d’identité comme de chemise."
21 juil. 20214 min de lecture
"Meditation on Meditation", by H.L. Mencken
"The capacity for discerning the essential truth, in fact, is as rare among men as it is common among crows, bullfrogs and mackerel."
20 juil. 20217 min de lecture
Mircea Eliade : "Sleep and Death"
"In Greek mythology, Sleep and Death, Hypnos and Thanatos, are twin brothers."
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